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Use as a library

You can use this tool as a C++ library. There is a pre-compiled binary executable, static library, and header files on GitHub release page. Simply link libdoxybook.a to your program and provide an include path to the include folder. You can also include the root CMakeLists.txt file in this repository and compile it yourself. You will also need to link nlohmann/json, tinyxml2, and fmtlib/fmt. The API documentation will be added in the future, but here is a simple example to get your started:

#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <doxybook/doxygen.hpp>
#include <doxybook/exception.hpp>
#include <doxybook/json_converter.hpp>
#include <doxybook/text_markdown_printer.hpp>
#include <doxybook/text_plain_printer.hpp>

int main() {
    using namespace doxybook;

    // Where the XML files are stored
    std::string input_dir = "..";

    // Config file, override any properties you want
    config c;
    c.copy_images = false;

    // The class that will take care of parsing XML files
    doxygen dx(c);

    // There two are used to convert the XML text into markdown (or plain) text.
    // For example: <para><strong>Hello</strong></para> is converted into **Hello**
    text_plain_printer tp(c, dx);
    text_markdown_printer mp(c, input_dir, dx);

    // This is optional and can be used to convert the data in node
    // into nlohmann/json
    json_converter jc(c, dx, tp, mp);

    // Load and parse the XML files, may take few seconds
    dx.finalize(tp, mp);

    // Get the index, this holds hierarchical data.
    // If a class belongs to a namespace, the index will hold the namespace object,
    // but the namespace object will hold the class, not the index.
    const node& index = dx.get_index();

    // Recursive find function via refid_. The refid_ is from the XML files.
    const auto audioBuffer = index.find("class_engine_1_1_audio_1_1_audio_buffer");
    const auto audioBufferConstructor = index.find("classEngine_1_1Audio_1_1AudioBuffer_1ab3f8002fc80d9bff50cfb6095e10a721");
    audioBufferConstructor->get_name(); // Returns "AudioBuffer"

    // Get detailed data of this specific class
    // std::tuple<node::data, node::children_data>
    auto [data, childrenDataMap] = audioBuffer->load_data(c, tp, mp, dx.get_cache());

    // The "data" is type of node::data which contains
    // detailed data for this specific class.
    // The "childrenDataMap" is the same thing, but stored as an unordered map
    // where a key is a pointer to the child (the class' function for example) data.
    auto constructorData& =;

    // ...