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Integration 💻

Get the binary packages from the release section.

Put the binary file (doxybook or doxybook.exe) somewhere in your system and add it to the OS PATH environment variable.


If you need a more recent version of doxybook, you can download the binary packages from the CI artifacts or build the library from the source files.

We do not provide binary packages for all platforms. In that case, you can build the package from source. Any dependencies unavailable will be downloaded during configuration. You can also use a CMake package manager toolchain, such as vcpkg, to download these dependencies.


cmake -S . -B build -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="/O2"
cmake --build build --config Release


cmake --install build

Create packages:

cpack build

Packaging Debug and Release

Use these instructions to setup CPack to bundle multiple build directories and construct a package that contains multiple configurations of the same project.


cmake -S . -B build -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-O2"
sudo cmake --build build --config Release


sudo cmake --install build

Create packages:

sudo cpack build


cmake -S . -B build -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-O2"
cmake --build build --config Release


cmake --install build

Create packages:

cpack build
Extra CMake Options

These are the options available when building the project with CMake:

Option Description Default
DOXYBOOK_BUILD_INSTALLER Build installer target ON if running CMake from the root directory
DOXYBOOK_BUILD_PACKAGE Build package ON if running CMake from the root directory
DOXYBOOK_USE_FIND_PACKAGE Do not use find_package to find dependencies ON if not crosscompiling
DOXYBOOK_USE_FETCH_CONTENT Do not use FetchContent to fetch dependencies ON if not crosscompiling

Hello World 👋

You only need Doxygen, doxybook from this repository, and some markdown static site generator.

  1. Document your code so that Doxygen can pick it up.
  2. Make sure your Doxyfile contains GENERATE_XML = YES and XML_OUTPUT = xml. A sample Doxyfile is provided in the example/Doxyfile folder in this repository.
  3. Run doxygen simply by calling doxygen in terminal in the same directory as your Doxyfile.
  4. Run doxybook as the following:
doxybook --input path/to/doxygen/xml --output path/to/destination

Examples 🖼

Screenshot - Hugo Book


  "baseUrl": "/doxybook/hugo-book/",
  "indexInFolders": true,
  "linkSuffix": "/",
  "linkLowercase": true,
  "indexClassesName": "_index",
  "indexFilesName": "_index",
  "indexGroupsName": "_index",
  "indexNamespacesName": "_index",
  "indexRelatedPagesName": "_index",
  "indexExamplesName": "_index",
  "mainPageInRoot": true,
  "mainPageName": "_index"

Screenshot - MkDocs ReadTheDocs


  "baseUrl": "/doxybook/mkdocs-readthedocs/",
  "indexInFolders": false,
  "linkSuffix": "/",
  "mainPageInRoot": true,
  "mainPageName": "index"

Screenshot - MkDocs Material


  "baseUrl": "/doxybook/mkdocs-material/",
  "indexInFolders": true,
  "linkSuffix": "/",
  "indexClassesName": "index",
  "indexFilesName": "index",
  "indexGroupsName": "index",
  "indexNamespacesName": "index",
  "indexRelatedPagesName": "index",
  "indexExamplesName": "index",
  "mainPageInRoot": true,
  "mainPageName": "index"

Screenshot - MkDocs Bootswatch


  "baseUrl": "/doxybook/mkdocs-bootswatch/",
  "indexInFolders": true,
  "linkSuffix": "/",
  "indexClassesName": "index",
  "indexFilesName": "index",
  "indexGroupsName": "index",
  "indexNamespacesName": "index",
  "indexRelatedPagesName": "index",
  "indexExamplesName": "index",
  "mainPageInRoot": true,
  "mainPageName": "index"

Screenshot - GitBook


  "baseUrl": "/",
  "indexInFolders": true,
  "linkSuffix": ".md",
  "linkLowercase": false,
  "indexClassesName": "README",
  "indexFilesName": "README",
  "indexGroupsName": "README",
  "indexNamespacesName": "README",
  "indexRelatedPagesName": "README",
  "indexExamplesName": "README",
  "mainPageInRoot": true,
  "mainPageName": "README"


  "baseUrl": "/doxybook/hugo-learn/",
  "indexInFolders": true,
  "linkSuffix": "/",
  "linkLowercase": true,
  "indexClassesName": "_index",
  "indexFilesName": "_index",
  "indexGroupsName": "_index",
  "indexNamespacesName": "_index",
  "indexRelatedPagesName": "_index",
  "indexExamplesName": "_index",
  "mainPageInRoot": true,
  "mainPageName": "_index"

Requirements ⚙

  • Requirements: C++17
  • Tested compilers: MSVC 14.2, 14.3; GCC 9, 10, 11, 12; Clang 12, 13, 14; AppleClang: 13
  • Tested standards: C++20; C++17


This project is a fork of

We deeply appreciate all the contributions of Matus Novak.