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Member vs. Free-standing Functions

Like in Matplotlib, we support two coding styles: Free-standing functions and an Object-oriented interface.

These two examples would generate the same plot:

auto ax = gca();
plot(ax, x, y)->color("red").line_width(2);
auto ax = gca();
ax->plot(x, y)->color("red").line_width(2);
  • Freestanding functions:

    • We call functions to create plots on the current axes
    • The global current axes object is the current axes object in the current figure in the global figure registry
    • For instance, one can use plot(y); to create a line plot on the current axes (or create a new axes object if needed).
    • Also, one can use plot(ax,y); to create a line plot on the axes object ax.
    • This is less verbose for small projects and quick tests.
    • The library looks for existing axes to create the plot.
  • Object-oriented interface:

    • We explicitly create figures and call methods on them
    • For instance, one can use ax->plot(y); to plot on the axes object ax
    • We can create the same line plot on the current axes by auto ax = gca(); ax->plot(y);
    • This is less verbose and provides better control in large projects where we need to pass these objects around
    • The user manages axes handles containing plots.

All free-standing functions are templated functions that use meta-programming to call the main function on the current axes object. If the first parameter is not an axes_handle, it will get an axes_handle from the figure registry with gca (Section Axes Object) and forward all parameters to the function in this axes object. If the first parameter is an axes_handle, the template function will forward all parameters, but the first one, to this axes object. This use of templates for the free-standing functions keeps both coding styles maintainable by the developers.

Note that, because the example needs the axes object for the function my_function, we also need to get a reference to the axes object with the free-standing functions. In that case, the free-standing functions are not less verbose than the object-oriented interface.

To adhere to free-standing functions, we could create two versions of my_function: one that receives an axes_handle, and a second version that would get an axes_handle from the figure registry and call the first version. If my_function is going to be exposed to other users as a library, this could be a convenience to these users. However, notice that this is only moving the verbosity from the main function to my_function. In fact, this is how the free-standing functions in Matplot++ work.