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Container + AllocatorAwareContainer Constructors
explicit archive(const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
archive(const archive &rhs)
archive(const archive &rhs, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(archive &&rhs) noexcept
archive(archive &&rhs, const allocator_type &alloc) noexcept
AssociativeContainer + AllocatorAwareContainer Constructors
explicit archive(const C &comp, const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class InputIt> archive(InputIt first, InputIt last, const C &comp = C(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
archive(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, const C &comp = C(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class InputIt> archive(InputIt first, InputIt last, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, const allocator_type &alloc)
FrontContainer Constructors
template <class InputIt, class DirectionIt> archive(InputIt first, InputIt last, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class DirectionIt> archive(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
template <class InputIt> archive(InputIt first, InputIt last, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
archive(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
archive(std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
template <class InputIt, class DirectionIt> archive(InputIt first, InputIt last, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
template <class DirectionIt> archive(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
template <class InputIt> archive(InputIt first, InputIt last, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
ArchiveContainer Constructors
explicit archive(size_type capacity, const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
archive(size_type capacity, const archive &rhs)
archive(size_type capacity, const archive &rhs, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(size_type capacity, archive &&rhs) noexcept
archive(size_type capacity, archive &&rhs, const allocator_type &alloc) noexcept
explicit archive(size_type capacity, const C &comp, const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class InputIt> archive(size_type capacity, InputIt first, InputIt last, const C &comp = C(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<value_type> il, const C &comp = C(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class InputIt> archive(size_type capacity, InputIt first, InputIt last, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<value_type> il, const allocator_type &alloc)
template <class InputIt, class DirectionIt> archive(size_type capacity, InputIt first, InputIt last, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class DirectionIt> archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<value_type> il, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
template <class InputIt> archive(size_type capacity, InputIt first, InputIt last, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<value_type> il, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
template <class InputIt, class DirectionIt> archive(size_type capacity, InputIt first, InputIt last, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
template <class DirectionIt> archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<value_type> il, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
template <class InputIt> archive(size_type capacity, InputIt first, InputIt last, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<value_type> il, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
AssociativeContainer + AllocatorAwareContainer Assignment
archive &operator=(const archive &rhs)
archive &operator=(archive &&rhs) noexcept
AssociativeContainer Assignment
archive &operator=(std::initializer_list<value_type> il) noexcept


Parameter Description
alloc allocator to use for all memory allocations of this container
comp comparison function object to use for all comparisons of keys
first, last the range to copy the elements from
rhs another container to be used as source to initialize the elements of the container with
il initializer list to initialize the elements of the container with
first_dir, last_dir the range to copy the target directions from
il_dir initializer list to initialize the target directions of the container with
capacity maximum archive capacity


Type requirements
-InputIt and DirectionIt must meet the requirements of LegacyInputIterator.
-Compare must meet the requirements of Compare.
-Allocator must meet the requirements of Allocator.


Method Complexity
Empty constructor \(O(1)\)
Copy constructor \(O(mn)\)
Move constructor \(O(1)\) if get_allocator() == rhs.get_allocator()
Construct from range, or assignment \(O(m n \log n)\)


An archive is also an adapter and an extension of spatial containers. An archive contains a std::set of fronts ordered by their dominance relationships. Unlike in a front, whenever we insert an element in the archive, it moves all elements dominated by the new element to higher fronts.

The archive constructors overload all front constructors with an extra parameter for the archive capacity. If no maximum capacity for the archive is set, the capacity is set by default to \(\min(50 \times 2^m, 100000)\). The exponential factor \(2^m\) in this heuristic is meant to take the curse of dimensionality into account.

The container makes sure the archive never has more elements than allowed by the capacity parameter. If the capacity exceeds, the container will remove the element in the most crowded regions of the worst front in the archive.


#include <pareto/archive.h>
#include <pareto/kd_tree.h>
// ...
// Constructing the default archive
size_t capacity = 1000;
archive<double, 3, unsigned> ar(capacity, {min, max, min});
// Constructing a archive based on kd trees
archive<double, 3, unsigned, kd_tree<double, 3, unsigned>> ar2(capacity, {min, max, min});
import pareto
# ...
# Constructing the default archive
capacity = 1000
ar = pareto.archive(capacity, ['min', 'max', 'min']);
# Constructing a archive based on kd trees
ar2 = pareto.kd_archive(capacity, ['min', 'max', 'min']);


If you need to plot these archives, examples/matplotpp_example.cpp includes an example that uses Matplot++. In Python, you can use Matplotlib.