bool is_partially_dominated_by(const front &P) const
bool is_completely_dominated_by(const front &P) const
bool non_dominates(const front &P) const
p - point we are checking for dominance
P - front we are checking for dominance
Return value
bool- true if and only if the point p or front P is dominated, is strongly dominated, partially dominates, completely dominates, or non-dominates *this
is_completely_dominated_by: \(O(1)\) for points and \(O(n)\) for fronts
All others: \(O(m \log n)\) for points and \(O(m n \log n)\) for fronts
A solution \(x_1\) (weakly) dominates \(x_2\) (denoted \(x_1 \prec x_2\)) if \(x_1\) is 1) better than \(x_2\) in at least one dimension and 2) not worse
than \(x_2\) in any dimension:
Point-point dominance
The pareto::point object contains function to check dominance between points without depending on the front.
We can also check for dominance between fronts and points (denoted \(p \prec P\) or \(P \prec p\)). This is a fundamental component of the insertion and removal algorithms.
Front-point dominance
Saying \(p\) non-dominates \(P\) is different from saying \(p\) does not dominate \(P\). The first means \(p\) and \(P\) are incomparable, the second means \(p\) and \(P\) are either incomparable or \(p\) dominates \(P\).
At last, we can check dominance relationships between fronts. The dominance relationships between front \(P_1\) and front \(P_2\) (denoted \(P_1 \prec P_2\)) is defined when all points in \(P_1\) are dominated by some point in \(P_2\). This establishes an order relationship which is a chief component of the archive data structure.
// Point-point dominanceusingpoint_type=front<double,3,unsigned>::key_type;point_typep1({0,0,0});point_typep2({1,1,1});std::vector<bool>is_minimization={true,false,true};std::cout<<(p1.dominates(p2,is_minimization)?"p1 dominates p2":"p1 does not dominate p2")<<std::endl;std::cout<<(p1.strongly_dominates(p2,is_minimization)?"p1 strongly dominates p2":"p1 does not strongly dominate p2")<<std::endl;std::cout<<(p1.non_dominates(p2,is_minimization)?"p1 non-dominates p2":"p1 does not non-dominate p2")<<std::endl;// Front-point dominancestd::cout<<(pf.dominates(p2)?"pf dominates p2":"pf does not dominate p2")<<std::endl;std::cout<<(pf.strongly_dominates(p2)?"pf strongly dominates p2":"pf does not strongly dominate p2")<<std::endl;std::cout<<(pf.non_dominates(p2)?"pf non-dominates p2":"pf does not non-dominate p2")<<std::endl;std::cout<<(pf.is_partially_dominated_by(p2)?"pf is partially dominated by p2":"pf is not is partially dominated by p2")<<std::endl;std::cout<<(pf.is_completely_dominated_by(p2)?"pf is completely dominated by p2":"pf is not is completely dominated by p2")<<std::endl;// Front-front dominancefront<double,3,unsigned>pf2({min,max,min});for(constauto&[p,v]:pf){pf2[point_type({p[0]-1,p[1]+1,p[2]-1})]=v;}std::cout<<(pf.dominates(pf2)?"pf dominates pf2":"pf does not dominate pf2")<<std::endl;std::cout<<(pf.strongly_dominates(pf2)?"pf strongly dominates pf2":"pf does not strongly dominate pf2")<<std::endl;std::cout<<(pf.non_dominates(pf2)?"pf non-dominates pf2":"pf does not non-dominate pf2")<<std::endl;std::cout<<(pf.is_partially_dominated_by(pf2)?"pf is partially dominated by pf2":"pf is not is partially dominated by pf2")<<std::endl;std::cout<<(pf.is_completely_dominated_by(pf2)?"pf is completely dominated by pf2":"pf is not is completely dominated by pf2")<<std::endl;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122232425
# Point-point dominancep1=pareto.point([0,0,0])p2=pareto.point([1,1,1])is_minimization=[True,False,True]print('p1 dominates p2'ifp1.dominates(p2,is_minimization)else'p1 does not dominate p2')print('p1 strongly dominates p2'ifp1.strongly_dominates(p2,is_minimization)else'p1 does not strongly dominate p2')print('p1 non-dominates p2'ifp1.non_dominates(p2,is_minimization)else'p1 does not non-dominate p2')# Front-point dominanceprint('pf dominates p2'ifpf.dominates(p2)else'pf does not dominate p2')print('pf strongly dominates p2'ifpf.strongly_dominates(p2)else'pf does not strongly dominate p2')print('pf non-dominates p2'ifpf.non_dominates(p2)else'pf does not non-dominate p2')print('pf is partially dominated by p2'ifpf.is_partially_dominated_by(p2)else'pf is not is partially dominated by p2')print('pf is completely dominated by p2'ifpf.is_completely_dominated_by(p2)else'pf is not is completely dominated by p2')# Front-front dominancepf2=pareto.front(['min','max','min'])for[p,v]inpf:pf2[pareto.point([p[0]-1,p[1]+1,p[2]-1])]=vprint('pf dominates pf2'ifpf.dominates(pf2)else'pf does not dominate pf2')print('pf strongly dominates pf2'ifpf.strongly_dominates(pf2)else'pf does not strongly dominate pf2')print('pf non-dominates pf2'ifpf.non_dominates(pf2)else'pf does not non-dominate pf2')print('pf is partially dominated by pf2'ifpf.is_partially_dominated_by(pf2)else'pf is not is partially dominated by pf2')print('pf is completely dominated by pf2'ifpf.is_completely_dominated_by(pf2)else'pf is not is completely dominated by pf2')
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213
p1 does not dominate p2p1 does not strongly dominate p2p1 non-dominates p2pf dominates p2pf strongly dominates p2pf does not non-dominate p2pf is not is partially dominated by p2pf is not is completely dominated by p2pf does not dominate pf2pf does not strongly dominate pf2pf does not non-dominate pf2pf is partially dominated by pf2pf is completely dominated by pf2