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The header scistats/math/constants.h defines a number of useful constants as constexpr functions:

Function Description Approximate Value
pi The constant pi 3.14159
epsilon(scale) A tiny tiny number for a given scale and type epsilon(1.) = 2.22045e-16
inf The number representing infinity inf
min Smallest number 2.22507e-308
max Largest number 1.79769e+308
NaN The number representing “not a number” nan
e Euler’s number - The base of exponentials 2.71828
euler Euler–Mascheroni constant / or Euler’s gamma : The base of the natural logarithm 0.577216
log2_e The base-2 logarithm of e 1.4427
log10_e The base-10 logarithm of e 0.434294
sqrt2 The square root of two 1.41421
sqrt1_2 The square root of one-half 0.707107
sqrt3 The square root of three 1.73205
pi_2 Pi divided by two 1.5708
pi_4 Pi divided by four 0.785398
sqrt_pi The square root of pi 1.77245
two_sqrt_pi Two divided by the square root of pi 1.12838
one_by_pi The reciprocal of pi (1./pi) 0.31831
two_by_pi Twice the reciprocal of pi 0.63662
ln10 The natural logarithm of ten 2.30259
ln2 The natural logarithm of two 0.693147
lnpi The natural logarithm of pi 1.14473