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CMake Options

These are the options available when building the project with CMake:

Option Description Default
FUTURES_BUILD_INSTALLER Build installer target ON if running CMake from the root directory
FUTURES_BUILD_PACKAGE Build package ON if running CMake from the root directory
FUTURES_USE_FIND_PACKAGE Do not use find_package to find dependencies ON if not crosscompiling
FUTURES_USE_FETCH_CONTENT Do not use FetchContent to fetch dependencies ON if not crosscompiling
FUTURES_PREFER_STANDALONE_ASIO Prefer standalone Asio if available OFF
FUTURES_PREFER_BOOST Prefer Boost.Asio if available OFF
FUTURES_PREFER_BUNDLED Prefer bundled dependencies OFF
FUTURES_BUILD_WITH_EXCEPTIONS Add compiler flags to use exceptions if needed. ON

By setting these CMake options, the CMake futures target will already define whatever configuration macros are necessary.

All dependencies are bundled. Whenever a dependency is not found, the bundled version is used.

Configuration Macros

Set the following macros to define how the library is compiled.

Option Description
FUTURES_HAS_STANDALONE_ASIO Macro used to indicate standalone asio is available.
FUTURES_HAS_BOOST Macro used to indicate Boost is available.
FUTURES_PREFER_STANDALONE_ASIO Macro used to indicate we prefer using standalone Asio over Boost.Asio.
FUTURES_PREFER_BOOST Macro used to indicate we prefer using Boost.Asio over standalone Asio.
FUTURES_SEPARATE_COMPILATION Use separately compiled source code for implementation.
FUTURES_NO_EXCEPTIONS Macro used to disable exception handling.
FUTURES_CUSTOM_EXCEPTION_HANDLE Customize exception handling.

CMake Developer Options

The following options are available only when building the library in developer mode:

Option Description Default
FUTURES_DEVELOPER_MODE Enable developer mode OFF
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS Build shared libs. OFF
FUTURES_BUILD_DOCS Build documentation OFF
FUTURES_BUILD_LINTER Build C++ project linter ON
FUTURES_ALWAYS_LINT Run the linter before running unit tests ON if not compiling with MSVC
FUTURES_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS Treat warnings as errors. ON
FUTURES_SANITIZERS Build with sanitizers. ON if compiling in Debug mode
FUTURES_THREAD_SANITIZER Use thread sanitizer instead of other sanitizers. OFF
FUTURES_CATCH2_REPORTER Reporter Catch2 should use when invoked from ctest. console
FUTURES_TESTS_SMALL_POOL Run tests with a default thread pool of size 1. OFF
FUTURES_TIME_TRACE Enable clang time-trace. ON
FUTURES_BUILD_WITH_UTF8 Accept utf-8 in MSVC by default. ON


Public configuration macros.

This file defines public configuration macros. These are the macros the user is allowed to define to change how the library is compiled.



Macro used to indicate standalone asio is available.


This macro can be defined to indicate the standalone version of Asio is available.

If both the standalone and the Boost versions of Asio are available, the standalone version is preferred unless FUTURES_PREFER_BOOST is defined.

If both the standalone and the Boost versions of Asio are unavailable, a bundled version of the subset of Asio required by library is used.

Default value

In C++17, this macro is determined by the availability of the asio.hpp header.

When using the CMake package, the futures target will already define this macro if appropriate.

In all other cases, the macro is undefined by default. If standalone Asio is available, it should be defined manually.




Macro used to indicate Boost is available.


This macro can be defined to indicate that Boost is available as a dependency.

If both the standalone and the Boost versions of Asio are available, the standalone version is preferred unless FUTURES_PREFER_BOOST is defined.

If both the standalone and the Boost versions of Asio are unavailable, a bundled version of the subset of Boost required by library is used.

Default value

In C++17, this macro is determined by the availability of the asio.hpp header.

When using the CMake package, the futures target will already define this macro if appropriate.

In all other cases, the macro is undefined by default. If standalone Asio is available, it should be defined manually.




Macro used to indicate we prefer using standalone Asio over Boost.Asio.


This macro can be defined to indicate that we should prefer standalone Asio over Boost whenever standalone Asio is available.

If both the standalone and the Boost versions of Asio are available, this macro ensure the standalone version is used.

The availability of standalone Asio and Boost.Asio can be indicated with the FUTURES_HAS_STANDALONE_ASIO and FUTURES_HAS_BOOST macros.

Default value

In C++17, this macro is defined whenever FUTURES_HAS_STANDALONE_ASIO is defined and FUTURES_PREFER_BOOST is undefined.

When using the CMake package, the futures target will already define this macro when standalone Asio is available.

In all other cases, the macro is undefined by default. If standalone Asio is available, it should be defined manually.

If both FUTURES_HAS_STANDALONE_ASIO and FUTURES_HAS_BOOST are undefined, a bundled subset of Boost dependencies required by the library is used.




Macro used to indicate we prefer using Boost.Asio over standalone Asio.


This macro can be defined to indicate that we should prefer Boost.Asio over standalone Asio over Boost whenever standalone Boost is available.

If both the standalone and the Boost versions of Asio are available, this macro ensure the Boost version is used.

The availability of standalone Asio and Boost.Asio can be indicated with the FUTURES_HAS_STANDALONE_ASIO and FUTURES_HAS_BOOST macros.

Default value

In C++17, this macro is defined whenever FUTURES_HAS_BOOST is defined and FUTURES_PREFER_STANDALONE_ASIO is undefined.

When using the CMake package, the futures target will already define this macro when standalone Asio is unavailable.

In all other cases, the macro is undefined by default. If Boost is available, it should be defined manually.

If both FUTURES_HAS_STANDALONE_ASIO and FUTURES_HAS_BOOST are undefined, a bundled subset of Boost dependencies required by the library is used.




Use separately compiled source code for implementation.


By default, Futures is a header-only library.

To reduce compile times, users can also build the library using separately compiled source code.

If the library is integrated with CMake, the appropriate macros should already define the appropriate macros for separate compilation.

To do this without a build system, add #include <futures/impl/src.hpp> to one (and only one) source file of your program, then build the program with FUTURES_SEPARATE_COMPILATION defined in the project\/compiler settings.

When using this library with Asio, this option is independent of the ASIO_SEPARATE_COMPILATION or BOOST_ASIO_SEPARATE_COMPILATION options. FUTURES_SEPARATE_COMPILATION only implies in BOOST_ASIO_SEPARATE_COMPILATION when both standalone Asio and Boost.Asio are unavailable and the bundled version of Asio is used.



Macro used to disable exception handling.


This macro can be defined to indicate that the library should not throw exceptions.

When exceptions are disabled, the library might call std::terminate or a user-defined function.

Default value

The macro will be automatically defined if lack of exception support is detected.




Customize exception handling.


If FUTURES_NO_EXCEPTIONS is defined, this macro can be defined to indicate that the library should use a custom user function to handle exceptions.

The function futures::handle_exception should be defined to determine how exceptions will be handled.

Default value

This macro is undefined by default.