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futures Main library namespace.
all_of_functor Functor representing the overloads for the all_of function.
always_deferred_opt Future option to determine the future is always_deferred.
always_detached_opt Future option to determine the future is always_detached.
any_of_functor Functor representing the overloads for the any_of function.
basic_future A basic future type with custom features.
binary_invoke_algorithm_functor Binary algorithm overloads.
broken_promise The state owner got destroyed before the promise has been fulfilled.
compare_three_way Function object for performing comparisons.
continuable_opt Future option to determine the future is continuable.
count_functor Functor representing the overloads for the count function.
count_if_functor Functor representing the overloads for the count_if function.
deferred_function_opt Type of the deferred function.
equal_to A C++17 functor equivalent to the C++20 std::ranges::equal_to.
error Class for errors in the futures library.
executor_opt Future option to identify the executor to be used by a future.
find_functor Functor representing the overloads for the find function.
find_if_functor Functor representing the overloads for the find_if function.
find_if_not_functor Functor representing the overloads for the find_if_not function.
for_each_functor Functor representing the overloads for the for_each function.
future_already_retrieved Attempted to retrieve a unique future twice.
future_deferred Invalid operation on deferred future.
future_uninitialized The future hasn't been initialized yet.
greater A C++17 functor equivalent to the C++20 std::ranges::greater.
greater_equal A C++17 functor equivalent to the C++20 std::ranges::greater_equal.
halve_partitioner A partitioner that always splits the problem in half.
has_executor Determine if a future type has an executor.
has_ready_notifier Customization point to determine if a type has a ready notifier.
inline_executor An executor that runs anything inline.
is_always_deferred Customization point to define a future as always deferred.
is_continuable Customization point to define future as supporting continuations.
is_execution_policy Determines whether T is a standard or implementation-defined execution policy type.
is_future_like Customization point to determine if a type is a future type.
is_shared_future Customization point to determine if a type is a shared future type.
less A C++17 functor equivalent to the C++20 std::ranges::less.
less_equal A C++17 functor equivalent to the C++20 std::ranges::less_equal.
new_thread_executor An executor that runs anything in a new thread, like std::async does.
no_state There is no shared state we can access.
none_of_functor Functor representing the overloads for the none_of function.
nostopstate_t Empty struct to initialize a stop_source without a shared stop state.
not_equal_to A C++17 functor equivalent to the C++20 std::ranges::not_equal_to.
packaged_task< R(Args...), Options > A packaged task that sets a shared state when done.
packaged_task_uninitialized The packaged task hasn't been initialized yet.
promise A shared state that will later be acquired by a future type.
promise_already_satisfied Promise has already been fulfilled.
promise_base Common members to promises of all types.
promise_uninitialized The promised hasn't been initialized yet.
reduce_functor Functor representing the overloads for the reduce function.
shared_opt Future option to determine the future is shared.
stop_source Object used to issue a stop request.
stop_token Token to check if a stop request has been made.
stoppable_opt Future option to determine the future is stoppable.
thread_partitioner A partitioner that always splits the problem when moving to new threads.
thread_pool A thread pool with the specified number of threads.
executor_type A executor that sends tasks to the thread pool.
unary_invoke_algorithm_functor Overloads for unary invoke algorithms.
value_cmp_algorithm_functor Value-compare algorithm overloads.
when_all_future Proxy future class referring to a conjunction of futures from when_all.
when_any_future Future object referring to the result of a disjunction of futures.
when_any_result Result type for when_any_future objects.

Updated on 2023-01-04