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Waiting for futures


The library includes a number of functions to wait for the result of future tasks. The simplest function we can use to wait for a task is basic_future::wait.

cfuture<int> f = async([]() { return long_task(); });
assert(f.get() == 0);

Although this is the function we have been using in most examples, basic_future::wait is very limited in practice because we cannot usually wait indefinitely for tasks. Also, basic_future::get will already wait for the task to be ready so basic_future::wait is often redundant.

Specifying durations

In most applications, we launch long asynchronous tasks and cannot block another execution context indefinitely until the task is ready. We might have a timeout after which the task should stop, or we might decide to do other work if the task takes too long to get ready. We can limit the duration we will wait for with basic_future::wait_for:

cfuture<int> f = async([]() { return long_task(); });
std::chrono::seconds timeout(1);
future_status s = f.wait_for(timeout);
if (s == future_status::ready) {
    assert(f.get() == 0);
} else {
    // do some other work

Say we are making a network request. It would be impractical to allow this operation to continue indefinitely. It's common practice to continuously read data from the socket until the operation is complete but also cancel the whole operation if a specific timeout has been achieved. We can model this operation with a combination of a stoppable future and basic_future::wait_for.

jcfuture<std::string> f = async([](stop_token st) {
    std::string res;
    while (!st.stop_requested()) {
        res += read_some();
    return res;
std::chrono::seconds timeout(1);
future_status s = f.wait_for(timeout);
if (s == future_status::ready) {
} else {

In some applications, it might be easier to express how long we should wait through a time-point instead of a specific duration. For instance, say you have an operation that should be canceled if it's not ready by 12:00AM. We can achieve that with basic_future::wait_until:

cfuture<int> f = async([]() { return long_task(); });
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point limit = noon();
future_status s = f.wait_until(limit);
if (s == future_status::ready) {
    assert(f.get() == 0);
} else {
    // do some other work

Busy waiting

The patterns described above are useful when we should block another execution context while the task is not ready. This is useful when we have no other tasks to do while the future task is still running.

In other contexts, we might always have some other work to do even if our task graph is still running. This is common in graphical interfaces, where we need to keep rendering the interface even while the task we have been waiting for is not ready.

In these cases, when using a basic_future provided by the library, we can use the basic_future::is_ready member function.

cfuture<int> f = async([]() { return long_task(); });
while (!should_close_window()) {
    if (f.is_ready()) {
        // Task results
        assert(f.get() == 0);

However, this member function is not defined for many other types, and we might need to make algorithms more generic. In these cases, we can use the free function is_ready, which works for any future type, including std::future.

std::future<int> f = std::async([]() {
    return long_task();
while (!should_close_window()) {
    if (is_ready(f)) {
        // Task results
        assert(f.get() == 0);


We typically use the functions basic_future::get or basic_future::wait to wait for the result of future types. This is especially important for deferred futures, which might not start executing until we start waiting for their results.

The free-function await can also be used to wait for and get results. This is some syntactic sugar that makes waiting more similar to other common programming languages, such as javascript.

auto f = async([]() { return long_task(); });
assert(await(f) == 0);

This is a free function that works for any future type. The await can also be used for conjunctions. If more than one future object is provided, the result is returned as a std::tuple.

auto f1 = async([]() { return long_task(); });
auto f2 = async([]() { return long_task(); });
auto f3 = async([]() { return long_task(); });
std::tuple<int, int, int> r = await(f1, f2, f3);
assert(std::get<0>(r) == 0);
assert(std::get<1>(r) == 0);
assert(std::get<2>(r) == 0);

This is particularly convenient in C++17, where we can use structured bindings:

auto [r1, r2, r3] = await(f1, f2, f3);
assert(r1 == 0);
assert(r2 == 0);
assert(r3 == 0);

Waiting for conjunctions

We can also wait for a future conjunction with wait_for_all. This function waits for all results in a range or tuple of futures without owning them. This is convenient when we need to synchronously wait for a set of futures.

cfuture<int> f1 = async([]() { return long_task(); });
cfuture<int> f2 = async([]() { return long_task(); });
wait_for_all(f1, f2);
assert(f1.get() == 0);
assert(f2.get() == 0);

Unlike await and basic_future::get, wait_for_all does not consume the results. The original future objects are still valid and their values might be obtained directly from them.

The overloads of wait_for_all_for and wait_for_all_until are variants that might be used when we wish to specify a time limit.

std::chrono::seconds d(1);
future_status s = wait_for_all_for(d, f1, f2, f3);
if (s == future_status::ready) {
    assert(f1.get() == 0);
    assert(f2.get() == 0);
    assert(f3.get() == 0);

The overloads of these functions can accept ranges of futures, tuples of futures, or parameter packs. These functions return an instance of std::future_status indicating whether all futures are ready.

wait_for_all != when_all

wait_for_all should not be confused with the future adaptor when_all, which generates a future type.

While when_all represents an asynchronous operation in a task graph, wait_for_all is an indication that the task graph should end at that point as an alternative to basic_future::wait for multiple tasks.

Waiting for disjunctions

We can also wait for a future disjunction with wait_for_any, wait_for_any_for, and wait_for_any_until. These functions wait for any result in a range or tuple of futures without owning them.

std::chrono::seconds d(1);
std::size_t idx = wait_for_any_for(d, f1, f2, f3);
switch (idx) {
case 0:
    assert(f1.get() == 0);
case 1:
    assert(f2.get() == 0);
case 2:
    assert(f3.get() == 0);

The overloads of these functions can accept ranges of futures, tuples of futures, or parameter packs. These functions return an iterator to or the index of the first future to get ready. If no task gets ready in the specified duration, an iterator to the last element or std::size_t(-1) is returned.

wait_for_any != when_any

wait_for_any should not be confused with the future adaptor when_any, which generates a future type.

While when_any is an asynchronous operation in a task graph, wait_for_any is an indication that the task graph should end at that point as an alternative to basic_future::wait for multiple tasks.

It's important to note that waiting for disjunctions is more complex than waiting for conjunctions of future objects. While we can wait for a conjunction by waiting for each of its elements, we need set up and wait for a notification from any of the futures in order to know which future has finished first in a sequence of futures. When any of the future objects do not support these external notifiers, we need to poll the tasks until they are completed.


A number of futures adaptors are provided by the library to compose task graphs. These adaptors can also be used as a more advanced form of waiting for futures implicitly in asynchronous task graphs.