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Launching tasks

Future tasks

The easiest way to create futures is by launching tasks:

cfuture<void> f1 = futures::async([] {
    // Task 1

This is what happens under the hood:

graph LR M[[Main Thread]] ==> |store|F[Future Value] E[[Executor]] --> |run|T[Task] M -.-> |launch|T subgraph Futures and Promises F --> |read|S[(Operation State)] T[Promised Task] --> |write|S end
  1. An executor handles a task. Any data is stored in a private operation state.
  2. While the executor handles a task, the main thread holds a future value.
  3. When the task is completed, it fulfills its promise by setting the operation state with its result.
  4. The future is considered ready and the main thread can obtain its value.

This is how these three steps might happen:

sequenceDiagram rect rgb(191, 200, 255) Main->>Task: Launch Task->>State: Create activate Task State->>Future: Create Task->>Task: Executor runs task Future->>Main: Store end Main->>Main: Do work before waiting rect rgb(191, 223, 200) Main->>Future: Wait Future->>State: Wait Task->>State: Write deactivate Task Future->>State: Read end rect rgb(150, 223, 255) Future->>Main: Return end

The Operation State

The operation state is a private implementation detail with which the user does not interact.

This encapsulation ensures all write operations will happen through the promised task and all read operations will happen through the future.

It also enables optimizations based on assumptions about how specific future and promise types can access the operation state.

Inline Operation States

If these future and promise objects are stable during the execution of the task, the operation state can be stored inline. This is an optimization that avoids dynamic memory allocations.

Eager tasks

Like std::async, futures::async is used to launch new tasks in parallel.

cfuture<void> f1 = futures::async([] {
    // Task 1

In this example, this function returns a continuable cfuture by default instead of a std::future. If the first task parameter is a stop_source, it returns a jcfuture we can stop from the main thread with request_stop.

jcfuture<void> f2 = futures::async([](stop_token st) {
    while (!st.stop_requested()) {
        // Running task 2

If the task accepts parameters, we can provide them directly to async.

auto f3 = futures::async([](int x) { assert(x == 2); }, 2);
auto f4 = futures::async([](int x, int y) { return x + y; }, 2, 3);

Unlike std::async, which uses launch policies, futures::async can use any concrete executor specifying details about how the task should be executed.

futures::thread_pool custom_pool(1);
futures::thread_pool::executor_type ex = custom_pool.get_executor();
auto f5 = futures::async(ex, [] {
    // Task in thread pool

auto f6 = futures::async(make_inline_executor(), [] {
    // Inline task

If the executor is not defined, the default executor is used for the tasks. This executor ensures we do not launch a new thread for each task.

To block execution of the main thread until the tasks are complete, we can use the functions basic_future::wait and basic_future::get.

assert(f4.get() == 5);

The function basic_future::wait will only block execution until the task is ready, while basic_future::get can be used to wait for and retrieve the final value.

Note that eager tasks are allowed to start as soon as they are launched:

sequenceDiagram Main->>+Task: Launch Task->>Task: Do work Main->>Main: Do work Main->>Task: Wait Task->>-Main: Return

Callbacks and Eager Futures in C++

In N3747 , Christopher Kohlhoff compares the model of eager continuations, such as in N3784 to the model of callback functions used in the Asio library:

void schedule_write(std::size_t length) {
    // the antecedent future represents the future result of `async_write`
    some_future_lib::async_write(socket_, asio::buffer(data_, length))
        // The continuation function creates a new future
void schedule_write(std::size_t length) {
    // async_write returns void
    asio::async_write(socket_, asio::buffer(data_, length), 
        // the continuation is provided when `async_write` schedules the first task

Eager continuable futures may attach the continuation before or after the antecedent future starts. With callbacks functions the calling function provides the continuation before the antecedent task starts, which avoids the synchronization cost in a race between the result and its continuation.


Future objects defined in this library handle exceptions the same way std::future does. If the task throws an exception internally, the exception is rethrown when we attempt to retrieve the value from the future with basic_future::get.

cfuture<int> f = futures::async([]() {
    return task_that_might_fail();
try {
    assert(f.get() == 0);
catch (std::exception const&) {

When working without exceptions, we can avoid terminating the process by querying the state of the future before attempting to get its value.

cfuture<int> f = async([]() { return task_that_might_fail(); });
if (!f.get_exception_ptr()) {
    assert(f.get() == 0);
} else {
    // handle error


The operation state is a private implementation detail with which the user does not interact. To ensure stability, it is usually implemented as a shared pointer to the concrete Operation State, which is where the task will store its result.

graph LR F[Future] --> |read|S1[Shared State Pointer] T[Promise] --> |write|S2[Shared State Pointer] subgraph Shared State S1 --> O[Operation State] S2 --> O[Operation State] end

In the general case, the operation state needs a stable address so that futures and promises can access it. In turn, this requires dynamic memory allocations of this shared state. For smaller tasks, the cost of this allocation might dominate the time spent by the parallel task.

For this reason, functions used for launching futures allow custom memory allocators for eager tasks. When no allocator is provided for launching tasks, an optimized memory pool allocator is provided for the operation state.

graph LR F[Future] --> |read|S1[Shared State Pointer] T[Promise] --> |write|S2[Shared State Pointer] subgraph Shared State S1 --> O[Operation State 1] S2 --> O[Operation State 1] end P[Memory Pool] -.-> |owns|O[Operation State 1] P[Memory Pool] -.-> |owns|O2[Operation State 2] P[Memory Pool] -.-> |owns|O3[Operation State 3] P[Memory Pool] -.-> |owns|Odots[...] P[Memory Pool] -.-> |owns|ON[Operation State N]

The memory pool allows fast dynamic memory allocation and provides better cache locality for accessing the tasks and their results.

However, in some circumstances, the library implements a few optimizations to avoid allocations altogether. In the following example, we have a deferred future where no allocations are required.

auto f = schedule([]() { return 1; });
assert(f.get() == 1);

In this example, the operation state might be stored inline with the future:

graph RL F[Future
Operation State] --> |read|F T[Promise] --> |write|F

With this optimization, the operation state is stored in the future, so the future can read the results from its own operation state. The promise can use the address of the operation state in the future to write its result. In this case, the promise is connected with the future and can store results directly in its operation state.

This optimization is only applicable if the address of the future will not change, i.e.: will not be moved or destroyed, during task execution, i.e.: (i) after the task to set the operation state is launched and (ii) before the operation state is set. This is easiest to achieve in deferred futures, because the thread waiting for its result is blocked when we call basic_future::wait and the future can only be moved or destroyed after the underlying operation state is set.

Note that this optimization is only possible if we can ensure the future cannot be moved or destroyed during task execution:

  • Functions such as basic_future::wait_for will disable this optimization for deferred futures because the underlying object might be moved after basic_future::wait_for times out and during task execution.
  • This optimization can be enabled for eager futures that we know should not be moved or destroyed during task execution. This is common in applications represented as classes that store their future instances. If we mistakenly attempt to move or destroy the future during execution, it blocks the calling thread until the operation state is set.
  • Similarly, this optimization can be enabled for shared futures if the future object from where the task is launched is not moved or destroyed during execution.


The concept defined for an executor uses Asio executors as defined by P1393r0. This model for executors has been evolving for over a decade and is widely adopted in C++. If the C++ standard eventually adopts a common vocabulary for executors, the executor concept can be easily adjusted to handle these new executors types.

Executors in C++

The first clear problem identified with std::async is we cannot define its executor (or scheduler). That is, we cannot define where these tasks are executed. By default, every task is executed in a new thread in C++11, which is unacceptable to most applications. Common executors for these tasks would be thread pools, strands, or GPUs.

Many models for standard executors have been proposed over time . In most current models, executors (or schedulers) are light handles representing an execution context where work can be executed. The context is usually called an execution context or execution resource. Executors might be constructed directly from execution contexts or adapted from other executors.

Better future executors

  • Support for custom executors
    • Its traits are currently a subset of existing Asio executors.
  • Customization points can make other executor types work with the library types
  • Provides an alternative to std::async based on executors
    • Still adaptable to other executor or scheduler concepts, including senders and receivers.
    • The default executor does NOT create a new thread for each task