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Futures types

Concrete types

This library implements a number of future types as a concept rather than a single concrete object. For instance, consider a task we are launching with C++11 std::async:

std::future<void> future1 = std::async([] {
    // std::async task

We could do something similar with the library function futures::async:

cfuture<void> future2 = futures::async([] {
    // continuable task

Notice how async returns a cfuture by default, which is a future to which we can attach continuations. The function async does not always return cfuture. For instance, suppose we call async with a function that accepts a stop_token:

jcfuture<void> future3 = futures::async([](stop_token st) {
    int a = 0;
    while (!st.stop_requested()) {
    // task stopped
    assert(a >= 0);

It now returns jcfuture by default, which is a future type that supports stop tokens. We can ask the task to stop through the future at any time with:


We now have three types of future objects. Because all of these types are future_like, the library functions allow them to interoperate:

wait_for_all(f1, f2, f3);
assert(f1.get() == 0);
assert(f2.get() == 0);
assert(f3.get() == 0);

Futures and Promises in Computer Science

A future or promise is a value that might not be available yet. They are also called "deferred", "delay", or simply "task" objects in some contexts. This storage for this value might be provided by the future object, the promise object, or by some form shared state between objects related to task execution. A shared state would usually be accessed by the set setting the future value.

  • 1977 - Futures: The first mention of Futures was by Baker and Hewitt. These futures would contain a process, a memory location for the result, and a list of continuations.
  • 1978 - Promises: The term Promises is used by Daniel P. Friedman and David Wise for the same concept.
  • 1985 - Multilisp: Multilisp provided the future and delay annotations for values that might not be available yet. A variable with the delay annotation would only be calculated when its value was requested.
  • 1988 - Argus: The term Promises is used by Liskov and Shrira for a similar construct in Argus. It also proposed "call-streams" to represent directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of computation with promises.
  • 1996 - Eventual: The term "eventual" is used by Tribble, Miller, Hardy, & Krieger to represent promises of "eventual" send value into a variable.
  • 2002 - Python: The Python Twisted library presents Deferred objects for results of operations that might still be incomplete.
  • 2009 - Javascript: The Javascript CommonJS Promises/A spec is proposed by Kris Zyp.

The formulation implies the future value might always be in completed or incomplete atomic states. As all the formulations presented above, a language might have a single construct called future or promise for eventual values. Javascript defines the single Promise that acts like a read-only future value. When they are distinct, like in C++11, it's common to have two constructs: futures and promises, where one of them is a read-only reference to the expected value.

Common asynchronous applications of futures are servers, user input, long-running computations, database queries, remote procedure calls, and timeouts. A number of variations of this pattern have emerged with slightly different meaning for the terms. These variations are used as a model of asynchronous operations in many languages such as JavaScript, Scala, Java, and C++.


For instance, these are some concrete future classes defined in this library and their comparison with std::future:

Class Lazy Continuations Stoppable Shared
  • Like std::shared_future, multiple threads are allowed to wait for the same shared state of all shared future types.
  • Future types with lazy continuations allow new functions to be appended to the end of the current function being executed. This allows these continuations to run without launching a new task to the executor. If the continuation should run in a new executor, it allows the continuation to be scheduled only once the current task is completed.
  • Stoppable future types contain an internal stop_source, similar to std::stop_source. This allows the future to directly receive stop requests, while the internal future task can identify a stop request has been made through a stop_token, similar to std::stop_token. This replicates the model of std::jthread for futures.

What problem does this library solve?

  • The problem: C++11 presented std::future as its model for asynchronicity. Futures and promises are a common construct from the 70s where an object represents a value that is still unknown. By composing with the future objects, this construct allows us to synchronize the program execution in concurrent programming. On the other hand, many works describe the specific C++11 std::future model as the wrong abstraction for asynchronous programming.
  • Solutions: Since then, many proposals have been presented to extend this standard std::future model, such as future continuations, callbacks, lazy/eager execution, cancellation tokens, custom executors, custom allocators, and waiting on destruction. However, because any handle to a future value is a "future" object, it is unlikely that a single concrete future definition will be appropriate for most applications.
  • This library: This library attempts to solve this problem by defining generic algorithms for a common future_like concept, which includes 1) existing future types, such as std::future, boost::future , boost::fiber::future; 2) library provided future types, such as cfuture and jfuture; and 3) custom future types.
  • Results: The concepts allow reusable algorithms for all future types, an alternative to std::async based on executors, various efficient future types, many future composition algorithms, a syntax closer to other programming languages, and parallel variants of the STL algorithms.

Adaptor types

Some other future types are:

Class Description
Value future
vfuture Hold a single value as a future
when_all_future Represent the conjunction of other futures
when_any_future Represent the disjunction of other futures

Unlike other future types, when_all_future and when_any_future are proxy future classes to hold the results of the when_all and when_all functions. This proxy allows different future types to interoperate and save resources on new tasks.

Custom future types

Any custom type satisfying the future_like requirements can interoperate with other future type. These classes might represent any process for which a result will only be available in the future, such as child processes and network requests with third-party libraries.

A simpler alternative for custom future types is through specific template instantiations of basic_future, which can be configured at compile-time with future_options. Many future types provided by the library as aliases basic_future with specific future_options.

Futures in C++11

C++11 proposed, in N3170, std::future as its intended model of futures and promises for asynchronicity. A C++ std::future represents a read-only proxy for a result that might not been set by a write-only std::promise yet.

When the operation is complete, the result is stored in a shared state, to which both the future and the promise have access. The future is a read-only view of this shared state while a promise allows an external operation to set its value.

In the most common use case, this promise is hidden. The user would call std::async to execute a task is parallel and set the promise at the end. After the task is scheduled, std::async would then return a std::future which allows us to query the status of this asynchronous operation:

std::future<int> f = std::async([]{ return 8; });
std::cout << "Result is: " << f.get() << '\n'; // 8
std::promise<int> p;
std::future<int> f = p.get_future();
// any async operation, such as std::async, can set this value
std::cout << "Result is: " << f.get() << '\n'; // 8

One satisfactory thing about the combination of std::future, std::async, and std::future::wait is it makes C++ asynchronous programming somewhat similar and often even simpler to that of other programming languages, such as Javascript futures and promises:

std::future<int> f = std::async([]{ return 8; });
std::cout << "Result is: " << f.get() << '\n'; // 8
// std::future<int> f = std::async([]{ return 8; });
let f = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(8) });
// std::cout << "Result is: " << f.get() << '\n'; // 8
f.then( function(value) { console.log('Result is: ' + value) } )
// std::future<int> f = std::async([]{ return 8; });
// `async` makes my_function `return Promise.resolve(8)`
async function my_function() { return 8 };
let f = my_function()
// std::cout << "Result is: " << f.get() << '\n'; // 8
let value = await f
console.log('Result is: ' + value)

However, because std::future relies on synchronization of a shared state, this initial model is incomplete, hard to use, inefficient, and lacks the usual generality of C++ algorithms. Most implementations could be used for useful for a background threads but are unusable in any context where performance is a requirement. The usual std::future will create one thread per task, which either doesn't scale at all or kills the machine.

graph LR F[Future] --> |read|S[(Shared State)] T[Promised Task] --> |write|S

Better future types

This documentation includes historical notes about many models proposed for asynchronicity in C++. Given the pros and cons of each model described in this review, this library models future types as a simple future_like concept/trait, which supports all the features we have discussed in this overview, such as executors, continuations, and deferred work. We implement optimizations possible to each future types while sticking to existing practice.

  • This library maintains the common model most programmers are familiar with
  • Whenever possible, new features always use language familiar to C++ and other common programming languages
  • Whenever possible, we reuse the syntax of std::future/std::promise

Better future concepts

  • Reusable algorithms work for all future types,
    • std::future
    • boost::future
    • boost::fiber::future
    • Any new and existing future type
  • Concrete futures can be optionally instantiated with any combination of custom extensions, such as:
    • Eager/deferred work
    • Unique/shared
    • Continuations
    • Cancellation
    • Allocators
  • All optimizations possible for "senders" are also implemented for "deferred futures".
  • Synchronization costs are reduced with deferred futures, atomic operations, and atomic data structures
  • Futures can still match and work with whatever constraints C++ eventually imposes on future types